Friday, April 6, 2012

Slim, Skinny and Straight

The husband told me that I needed to go shopping and get something that actually fits my body.  I don't know that I've said it enough but I am no fan of shopping.  He seems to have forgotten this.  Besides this, I told him I didn't want to spend money on something that will be just as baggy in another couple of months (fingers crossed).  He reminded me that I can have them altered the same way I did my work clothes.  Score for the hubs.  So I gave in.

While we were shopping I saw this setup.  I laughed and told him it reminded me of a few comments I've heard at work lately.  Someone said, 'You are getting so skinny!'  Believe me when I say I am as far away from that word as possible.  Looking at it I can say that some words do describe me well.  I think I'm fairly original and relaxed.  Loose I am not!  Lol.  I'm working on standing next to slim and I vaguely remember being called 'straight ' by my Mom when I was little.  I wasn't 'blessed' with the curvy hips my sisters inherited from my Dad's side of the family.  I got it from my Mama. Though I guess since I prefer men that's another kind of straight.  My how times can change the meaning of a word. Ha!

We left this store empty handed.  My husband said he finds it interesting that I can go in a store and leave with only a few pictures on my phone.  In any case, it was a fun trip and he got to hear some funny stories about my childhood so I don't think he complained too much.

Have a day!

Quote of the Day: “Hanging onto a bad buy will not redeem the purchase.” ~Terence Conran

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