So, I started this blog like forever ago. Well....I wouldn't go so far as to say started. I will say created. But I never actually got up the nerve to post anything. It was intended to chronicle my weight loss journey. I didn't exactly get that off the ground. Got sidetracked by everything else that's happened in life and forgot about the big picture. It's time for me to get on track and see what I can accomplish. My motivation? My Mama. She passed in April. I never thought I would see the day. I guess I thought she would always be just a phone call away. We had a good and healthy relationship and laughed often. I was forever telling her what she should do to take better care of herself. Well, she lost weight before she passed. She was sort of excited by it all too. She called me once telling me how she and my Daddy had walked around the yard (about an acre) but she was only to do one round. Well, she got out and she did it. That was all that mattered. I was happy to hear her excitement. I didn't care how much she did or didn't do. I guess it was just knowing she was on her way to doing something that she's been saying she was gonna do. Well, after she passed, I started thinking about all the things she wanted to do that she didn't get to do and how they were forever telling us to not be afraid to do things. Well, this is something I've been saying I was gonna do for a long time. Lose weight. And I don't want to wait until it's too late. None of us know how our timeline looks but we do know how we want it to look. So, my timeline will have a section for my personal health labeled The Beginning. And this is it. I've been working out at the gym with my husband. (Yeah husband. Of 9 months!) We've been under the weather this week but plan to get back in there as soon as I can breath again. The eating leaves a lot to be desired. We ordered pizza last night but I could only stomach a slice and a half. He had hot wings and one slice. We don't exactly have an appetite and wanted to get something full of flavor to rev the appetite. So, it wasn't the best day. But every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. And the good thing was we were able to eat and we did it together. So,the plan is to get some more veggies in our bodies today and see how we feel. Well, hoping i can get some daily posts up on my progress.
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