Realizing I did some emotional eating this week, I am back on track. It was a hard week. I know it's the weekend but that doesn't matter. On this journey, each day counts. There is no beginning and there is no end. In the past, when I would slip up, I would just tell myself that I will start over 'next week' or use it as a New Year's resolution or 'by my birthday i'm going to...'. While I was waiting on that new beginning, I was eating my fill, lazing on the couch; doing much of nothing. But now, in my mind's eye, it is a war that has many battles. In this war I realize I will sometimes lose a battle or two but I know I can drag myself back to the frontline and continue to fight. It's just a matter of when I do it. I think people tend to forget that. We do so well at the beginning. Following the plan to a T and keeping track. We might even do a jumping jack or two. But the minute we fall off, we view that as a failure and the entire plan is a bust. Then if we do get back on it, we view it as starting all over. Why does it have to be a 'start over'? Why can't it just be a continuance? After all, if we've battled weight and health for years, it will always be a battle. In my opinion, this war is never over. There will be many battles. I might even lose a few of them. But that war? It's mine baby!
So, I'm gonna relish any muscles soreness that comes and continue to explore new workouts. I will continue to work to overcome my doubts and my fears of what I can do. I'll keep reminding myself of my accomplishment and continue to get excited about the next challenge.
Quote for the day:
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.
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