After my personal waterfall last night, I vowed to at least do something about my lack-luster workouts. I downloaded Prevention's 40 minute Pyramid Podcast to my MP3 player with the idea that I needed a beat that would force me to walk a certain speed and keep it. So, I got up this morning at 6:30 and pulled on some yoga pants and my husbands sweatshirt and skull cap. I decided to take Baxter out to potty first because I knew he was not up for a walk. After 15 minutes of shivering and saying over and over 'Hurry up man! It's cold!', we made it back in. I slipped the halter and leash on Sofie and headed out the door again but this time for some serious walking. Good ole Sofie is always up for a walk with me. Sometimes her youthful ignorance is a blessing to me. We headed to the sidewalk and I had to wait a good 10 minutes of strolling while she found the appropriate places to 'go'. But true to form, once she's done, she's pulling the leash and ready to run. I think she was a bit surprised at our speed and distance though. After a mile, she slowed her gait and kept looking back at me as if to ask me what had gotten into me. LOL. She's so cute sometimes! Well, we completed the full 40 minute podcast and I kept pace through it all. Guess I'm not as bad off as I thought. Well...the last 3 minute fast pace was a bit taxing but I made it. I felt so good afterward. And Sofie....well, let's just say she was about ready for a nap after devouring her food and water. She lay it down and was even hesitant when I said 'Let's go' for her evening potty walk. I promised her it would only be the 20 minutes and it was. She was ready to lay back down when we go in. As a matter of fact, she's still snoozing hours later. Poor baby! Well, guess that's it for this evening. The husband is cooking lamb so I need to find me a decent meal to eat as I won't be joining him for that particular dish.
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